Short minutes from the last meeting are below.

26th June 2024

Present:- SB (Clerk) Cllrs JR (Chair), MJ (Vice chair), NF, PW, SJ, JE, JF, MI, RB, DM, SG, and City Cllr L Gibbard

1. Apologies:  BR, LA, TL, Youth representative MJ, City Cllr J Jones

2. Declarations of Personal & Prejudicial Interest:

Cllr MJ: Planning, Cllr JR: 9. Requests for donations.

3. Accepted: minutes of meeting and AGM dated 29th May 2024

4. Matters arising: Town & Community Council Boundary Review.

Proposed “Drop In” event to be held in Dunvant Scout hall or Ebeneezer chapel on Saturday 29th June.

7. Finance:

Clerk’s expenses (SB)       £33.00

Gardening (SJ)                 £  8.30

Gardening                         £36.00

5. Events:

a) Summer Fun day – Tuesday 13th August in Killay Scout & Guide HQ

b) August band night – Saturday 24th August

c) Table top sale for Non-profit making organisations – Saturday 24th August

9. Requests for donations:

a) Menter Iaith – Acoustic Saturday 14th September – £100

b) Resident making Santa Sacks to be sold in aid of Blood Cancer UK – £150

29th May 2024

Present:- Cllrs: NF, PW, SJ, JE, JF, JR, MI, DM, RB, LA, SG, BR, MJ

Youth Rep M. Jefferies. City Councillors L Gibbard

  1. Apologies: TL & Clerk SB

2. Declarations of interest: MJ – Planning

3. Minutes from 24th April 2024 accepted with corrections

7ii. Approval of expenses:

    • PW – Tea Party £80.68 & £7.30
    • NF – Compost – £18.00 & £6.98
    • SJ – Tea Party £8.00
    • Clerk’s expenses – £32.60

    8ii. Multi-cultural event: sub-group to discuss

    8iv. Table top sale: 24th August 2024. SB to check contacts

    9. Donations: Railway Inn, email missed – deferred to June

    11. Local Democracy & Boundaries Commission – Review of Community Councils – Action – To organise Pop-up events and Drop-in sessions in Killay & Dunvant prior to deadline of 10th July

    12. Mari Llwyd (December 2024/January 2025) – To obtain more details and discuss further

    13. St David’s Day 2025 – Consider decorating precinct with bunting & flags. Window display competition.

    29th May 2024 – AGM

    Present:- SB (Clerk), Cllrs: NF, PW, SJ, JE, JF, JR, MI, DM, RB, LA, SG, BR, MJ

    1. Apologies: TL

    2. Election of Chair – Jim Robinson (majority)

    3. Election of Vice-Chair – Mary Jones (unanimous)

    4. Election of Responsible Financial Officer – Susan Bagley (unanimous)

    5. Appointment of Internal Auditor – Ron Dolbear (unanimous)

    6. Election of Finance Committee – JR, MJ, JF, SJ & RFO SB

    7a. Planning Committee – JF, SG, MI & LA

    7b. Social Media & Marketing Committee – JF, BR, MI

    7c. Gardening Committee – JE, SJ, DM, PW & MJ

    7d. Public Rights of Way – RB, BR, SG & NF

    9. Annual report 2023/2024 accepted.

    10. Review of Standing orders – sub-committee formed JF, RB, MJ & LA

    24th April 2024

    Present:- SB (Clerk) Cllrs NF (Chair), JR, PW, JE, SJ, MI, SG, LA, TL, BR, DM and City Councillors M Jones & L Gibbard

    City Cllr Mary Jones was co-opted on to Community Council.

    1. Apologies: RB, JF, City Cllr J Jones, Youth Representative MJ,

    2. Declarations of Interest: MJ in Planning discussions and decisions – 7.

    3. Accepted minutes of meeting dated 27th March 2024

    6bi  City Councillors’ report (LG) – extract

    a) Dunvant RFC Junior Rugby festival – 4th/5th May.

    b) Street signs

    c) Active Travel improvements – Clyne Valley

    d) Defibrillator training – 29th April

    e) Twmpath – 27th April

    f) Local Development Plan – 2023-2038 – Consultation up to 31st May 2024.

    g) Cwtch Mawr – (Big Hug) Multibank

    6bii City Councillors report (MJ & JJ)

    a) Vape Shop, Gower Road

    b) Hendrefoilan House

    c) Defibrillator installed St Nicholas Court

    d) St Modwen donated £250 to Dunvant social centre Film & Chat afternoons.

    e) Road markings.

    f) Horse welfare issues to rear of Clyne Valley Cottages

    7. Planning: Nothing to comment on.

    8. Finance

    Plants – £133.37                          Clerks expenses £34.80

    Toner – £76.31                            Zoom subscription £155.88

    Tea Party £7.99                          Tea Party £13.98

    9a. Older People’s Tea Party. Saturday 18th May at St Hilary’s parish centre.

    9c. Summer Fun Day – provisional date – Tuesday 13th August

    9d. August band night – Guilty Pleasure booked for Saturday 24th August.

    13a. Equality & Inclusion Group: Action plan agreed including updating training plan.

    13b. (originally 9b) Working Group appointed to discuss a Multi-cultural event.

    27th March 2024

    Present:- SB (Clerk) Cllrs NF (Chair), JR, PW, JE, SJ, RB, MI, JF, SG, LA, DM and Youth Representative MJ, City Cllrs M Jones & L Gibbard

    1. Apologies: BR, TL, City Cllr J Jones.

    2. Declarations of Personal & Prejudicial Interest: None

    3. Accepted minutes of meeting dated 28th February 2024

    6a. Chair’s report

    January crime statistics and Town & Community Council Forum presentations on (a) A resilient Swansea and (b) Role of the monitoring officer, had been circulated prior to the meeting.

    Cllr Fletcher informed the meeting that he would not be standing for re-election as Chairman at the May 2024 AGM.

    6bi  City Cllr’s report (LG) – extract

    a) Update on Hendrefoilan House

    b) Update on Hendrefoilan Park & St Modwens construction.

    c) Woodcote Park – Planted 3 x native black poplar trees

    d) Clyne Valley Woods – remedial works to footpaths to stop erosion

    e) Defibrillator installed inside Dunvant Bowls pavilion

    6bii  City Cllr’s report (MJ & JJ)

    a) Update from Coal Authority re: Dunvant Road sinkhole.

    b) St Modwen undertaking works on trees in Dunvant Road

    c) St Modwens replaced fencing at front of Hendrefoilan school

    a) Update on installation of Electric charging points outside shops on Gower Road.

    7a. Planning: Discussion on footpath from St Modwen Hendrefoilan Park development through to Dunvant Road. Concerns expressed that the plans retained 12 steps.

    8. Finance

    Expenses February £31.40                    Shredder      £49.99

    Christmas sleigh      £400.00                 

    2023/24 Remuneration payments of £156 each to Cllrs NF, JR, JF, MI & LA, and £130 to Cllr TF.

    9. Older People’s Tea Party. Date changed to Saturday 18th May at St Hilary’s parish centre. Working group to continue with plans.

    10. Equality & Inclusivity Group: A report was presented and all recommendations were agreed by Council, namely;

    a)    Share report with all attendees at February & March events.

    b)    Support the development of a local directory of organisations and events.

    c)     Hold an annual networking meeting of local community groups.

    d)    Produce a circulation list of key contacts of local community organisations

    e)    Circulate details of Community Councillor vacancies to (d) above

    f)      Circulate details of KCC events, as appropriate, to (d) above

    g)    Equalities Group to explore holding a world culture event in conjunction with local community groups

    28th February 2024

    Present: SB (Clerk) Cllrs NF (Chair), JR, PW, JE, SJ, RB, MI, JF, SG, LA, DM and Youth Representative MJ

    1. Apologies: BR, TL, City Cllrs M Jones, J Jones & L Gibbard

    2. Declarations of Personal & Prejudicial Interest

    – JF & JR expressed personal interest in 47th Killay Scouts request for donation

    3. Accepted minutes of meeting dated 24th January 2024

    6a. Chair’s report: 2023 annual crime statistics report for Dunvant & Killay presented. Shoplifting in Killay South has more than doubled since 2022.

    6bi.  City Cllr’s report (LG)

    6bii.  City Cllr’s report (MJ)

    • Coal Authority waiting for Welsh Water to complete camera survey of foul sewer.
    • Wildflower and daffodil planting (with LG & JJ)

    6biii.  City Cllr’s report (JJ)

    • Electric charging points – 2 points to take up space of 3 parking bays

    6d. Social media & Marketing

    New Pop Up banner purchased in January 2024.

    6f. Public Rights of Way. New signage installed on KI103.

    Landowner is to install “kissing gates” on KI114 above Hendrefoilan Road.  

    7. Planning

    3 decisions made on house extensions, and 4 applications validated since January meeting.

    Brief discussion on 2024/0304 pre-application for 2 holiday lets at 419 Gower Road.

    8. Expenses

    February £29.00      Equality meeting £16.15 & £7.64

    Councillor’s remuneration: 7 Councillors have declined the payment for 2023/24

    Electricity contract: A new electricity contract from 1/4/24 has been signed with YU Energy, saving an estimated £400pa against the renewal price with Good Energy

    9a. Events

    • St David’s Day – Hendrefoilan school pupils to attend Killay Precinct on 1st March.
    • Older People’s Tea Party on Saturday 11th May at St Hilary’s Parish Centre. Theme is 80 years since D-Day landings. Working group NF, LA, DM & PW.

    10. An Equality & Inclusivity Engagement event was held on 22nd February with a further engagement meeting with Sketty mosque on 6th March.

    11. Donations: £500 for 47th Killay Scouts towards a camp.

    12. Welsh Language policy. Adopted. The policy is brief, practical and proportionate to a Community Council.

    Meeting closed at 8:39pm.

    24th January 2024

    Present:- SB (Clerk) Cllrs NF (Chair), JR, PW, JE, SJ, RB, MI, JF, SG, BR, DM and Youth Representative MJ, City Councillors M Jones & L Gibbard

    1. Apologies: LA, TF, TL, City Cllr J Jones,

    2. Declarations of Personal & Prejudicial Interest

    SJ expressed personal interest in Siloam chapel request for donation

    3. Accepted minutes of meeting dated 22nd November 2023

    6(ii).  City Councillor’s report (LG)

    a) Hendrefoilan Park – St Modwen – resident complaints

    b) Flooding issues from Dunvant Park and properties in Goetre Fawr Road

    c) A number of public consultations on CCS website under “Have Your Say”

    d) Cleansing Ward Operative Team at in Killay & Dunvant 6 days per month.

    e) Gritting – Confirmation that all roads on CCS gritting plan are being treated.

    6(ii).  City Councillor’s report (MJ)

    a) Flooding issues from Dunvant Park and properties in Goetre Fawr Road.

    b) Cleansing Ward Operative Team at in Killay & Dunvant 6 days per month.

    c) We have donated money from our Community Budget towards tea and coffee for Killay Library.

    d) Commercial Inn – Superbowl event 11th February.

    6(iv). SMM The website provider has been changed and the new site is now live.

    6(vi). Public Rights of Way: Sub-committee are monitoring KI114 above Hendrefoilan Road in relation to a legal notice issued to landowner to remove all obstructions to public right of way.

    7. Planning: 2 applications approved, and 4 applications validated since November meeting. Nothing of note.

    8(ii). Expenses

    Payment to trader for electricity    £20.00          Slab for water feature          £9.25

    Paper                                         £25.00          Expenses December          £25.80

    Expenses January                       £26.80

    8(iii). Budget and Precept for 2024/25

    Precept agreed for 2024/25 – £22,500, Equivalent to £10.35 for a Band D property.

    9(i-iv). review of Christmas Events

    Christmas parade,Father Christmas grotto and Carol service were all successful. Pre-event ticket sales for the grotto was noted beneficial in controlling numbers.

    Comments noted regarding Carol service start time and the readings used.

    9(v). Future Events

    a) St David’s Day – Dunvant and Hendrefoilan schools to be contacted

    b) Older persons event in May

    10(i). Equality & Inclusivity Group

    The group are organising an Engagement event on 22nd February 2024 at St Hilarys church hall. The meeting will run from 1.30 -3.30 pm (hall booked 1-4). A representative from each neighbouring Community Council to be invited.

    11. Requests for Donations: £400 for Siloam chapel towards electrical works.

    13. Equality & Inclusivity Group: Engagement event on 22nd February 2024 at St Hilarys church hall.

    Meeting closed at 8:55pm.