KCC: A brief history
Killay Community Council is formed from the old city wards of Killay North and Killay South.
For city council purposes these were abolished in May 2022 and replaced by the combined Ward of DUNVANT AND KILLAY.
There are currently three City Councillors for this ward. Although they do not have any voting rights on the community council (unless they jointly hold a Community Council position) they have great input into the community and are automatically invited to each council meeting.
There are 9 community councillors representing the old Killay North ward and 6 councillors representing Killay South.
Each ward has a youth representative. Administration is provided by the Clerk to the council.

Killay Community Council was inaugurated in May 1983. This was the result of elections called that Spring to appoint Councillors, following the Local Government Act of 1972 which encouraged Community governance by elected Councils.
The Council was initially elected ‘to ascertain and express the views of the community they represent, and take, in the interests of their communities, action that appear to be practicable.’
The first Chairman of the Council was Cllr. H.T. Pegg, who served from 1983 until 1989. He was followed by Cllr. T.V. Donne from 1989 to 1997, and then came Cllr. G. Thomas 1997-98. Cllr. Mary Jones was elected to the Chair in 1998 and served continuously until 2013, as well as representing Killay North on the City and County of Swansea Council for much of that time. Cllr.Arthur Hinton served as Chairman between 2013 and 2016. The present incumbent is Nigel Fletcher who has been a Community Councillor since 2008. Many Councillors have been re-elected to serve multiple terms in Office, and should be commended for their dedication.
The Council Clerk is the only paid employee, with all other posts entirely voluntary. Elected Councillors give freely of their time, and work enthusiastically and extremely hard for the benefit of the community. Entry in the annual City Council-run Swansea in Bloom competition has resulted in four wins over the years, with two gold awards and two silver awards, just reward for the efforts put in. The colourful summer displays throughout Killay are testament to their dedication and ambition.

The Christmas lights, Carol service, Christmas tree and Father Christmas procession are eagerly anticipated by the local children, as is Santa’s Grotto in the Library where children can go to give him their Christmas lists. The Council endeavours to organise and support a variety of ventures to involve the whole community, including the summer fun days, table-top sales, and music in the Precinct. The local school, together with local charities are supported both practically and financially where possible. The Community Council Precept, which is set annually by K.C.C., is the only income of the Community Council.
Local pathways and right-of ways are regularly patrolled and any problems reported to C&CS Councillors for rectification. Highways matters, parking, littering etc. are also constantly monitored.
The Community Council are consulted on all Planning matters within the Wards, and work closely with the elected City Councillors. Together they endeavour to maintain the unique balance and character of Killay, whilst protecting the environment and ambience of what is still considered ‘The Village’.
In 2020, due to Covid-19, Killay Community Council cancelled its March and April meetings.
Welsh Government legislation was introduced allowing for virtual meetings with Councillors able to particpate via video conferencing. Since May 2020 KCC have held their meetings over Zoom, which members of the public can attend.
March 2022

40 years of KCC
We are proud to celebrate 40 years of community service at Killay Community Council. Our anniversary is a testament to the strength and unity of our neighbourhood. Over the past four decades, we have worked together to build a thriving community where residents can connect, share, and support one another. At this special milestone we reflect on our achievements and look forward to an even brighter future for Killay.