Please find some useful links below

To help residents of Killay we have made a list of the right places to go for issues likely to be of concern.

The City Councillors are Mary JonesJeff Jones, and Louise Gibbard (follow the links for their profile on the City and County of Swansea website)

They are the point of contact for many issues.

There are also many useful links directly on the city council’s website

Licensing of premises is a Swansea City Council and Police Matter.

There are many things that you can report directly to the council. From Street lighting to abandoned vehicles. A full list is available on the council website:

Here are links to a few of the most common things you can report:

What we do ourselves

Here are some of the things that Killay Community Council are responsible for:


Planting in green areas in Killay, including The Precinct and the grass bank outside St Hilary’s.

Arranging events:

Easter, Afternoons teas, Summer Events at the library

Band Night at the Village Inn on August Bank Holidays

Halloween and Christmas events.

Reviewing and commenting on planning application to City Planners.

Walking and reporting problems with footpaths.

Focus point:

For sharing community information e.g posters in the Rotunda in the Precinct, and on social media


Attendance in Governor meetings in both Hendrefoilan and Dunvant Primary schools.


Small community projects- eg. enhanced lampposts to hold hanging baskets/ Christmas lights.