Short minutes from 2023

Each month is added above the last. Scroll down to find the earlier months.

Numbers refer to original agenda items.

22nd November 2023

Present:- SB (Clerk) Cllrs NF (Chair), JR, PW, JE, SJ, TF, RB, MI, TL, JF, SG, BR Youth representatives HC & MJ and City Cllr L Gibbard

The Clerk announced that Harry Cole had resigned from the position of Youth Representative on Community Council.

1. Apologies: DM, LA, City Cllrs J Jones, M Jones & L.Gibbard

2. Declarations of Personal & Prejudicial Interest

– SJ expressed personal interest in Father Christmas grotto at Siloam chapel

–  TF expressed personal interest in room hire payment to Scout HQ

3. Accepted minutes of meeting dated 25th October 2023

4. Correspondence received

– Letter of thanks from Dunvant school & Killay luncheon club for donations

– Police survey

5. Chairmans report – None – all included on agenda

5a. Vice chairmans report – Cllr J.Robinson met the City Council chief executive on 10th November. Main issues discussed were bus services and litter bins.

6. City Councillors report (LG)

a) Review of polling stations

b) Waste and Recycling services update

c) Trial of suspension of garden waste collections December and January.

d) Electric vehicle charging “Have your say” survey

e) Chief Executive visit to Killay – 10th November

7. Social media & Marketing

Website provider being changed in November 2023.

8. Gardening committee

A new water feature is to be installed in Spring 2024 in the front flower bed.

9. Public Rights of Way

Discussions on-going regarding installing signage to footpath KI103 off Garrod Avenue.

9. Planning

2 applications approved, and 2 applications validated since October meeting.

Nothing of note.

10. Finance

Christmas tree        £319.50                  Computer repair                £55.00

Halloween               £13.43                    Halloween                         £4.52

Christmas               £59.50                    Clerks expenses                £36.20

Daffodils                 £180.00                  Christmas                         £70.00

Siloam room hire     £50.00                    Scout HQ room hire           £75.00

Salvation army        £100.00

11. Events

a) Halloween children’s event – Agreed it was a successful.

b) Father Christmas parade – Monday 27th November

c) Father Christmas grotto, Siloam chapel – Saturday 2nd December

d) Carol service, Siloam chapel – Sunday 10th December

12. Requests for Donations

None made at November meeting.

13. Equality & Inclusivity Group

The group are organising an Engagement event in February 2024.

Meeting closed at 9:04pm.

27th September 2023

Present:- SB (Clerk) Cllrs NF (Chair), JR, PW, JE, DM, SJ, SG, TF, BR, RB, LA, Youth representatives HC & MJ and City Cllrs L Gibbard & M.Jones

1. Apologies: BJ, MI, TL, JF, City Cllr J Jones

2. Declarations of Personal & Prejudicial Interest – None

3. Accepted minutes of meeting dated 23rdAugust 2023

6b. City Councillors

2 parking bays on Gower Road closest to the pharmacy have been identified as suitable to be converted to Electric Vehicle charging bays.

Dunvant Road sink-hole ground investigations are on-going with the Coal Authority and no completion date for the repairs has been confirmed.

Hendrefoilan House. Planning Enforcement and Pollution Control officers are liaising with the owners regarding commercial activities taking place on-site.

Gower Road/Stephenson Way property under construction. Planning Enforcement officer to pursue

St Modwen Hendrefoilan Park development. The pedestrian access from Hendrefoilan Woods estate will remain closed on the grounds of health & safety whilst major demolition works take place on-site.

A defibrillator will be located in St Nicholas Court.

6e. Gardening committee. Agreed to plant additional daffodil bulbs on the grass verges on the North side of Gower Road between Olchfa Lane and Stephenson Road. 2 sacks = £180.00

7. Planning. No comments on the 3 planning applications received since the last meeting.

8. Finance

Clerks expenses £29.40

Fluorescent paper £9.99

Swansea Council floral displays £4,240.00

The Co-operative have donated £300.00 to Killay Community Council as a contribution to the Christmas lights.

The Wales Audit Office have notified the Council that there are no concerns or actions arising from the 2022/23 external financial audit.

9b. Halloween children’s event – To be held in Killay Scout & Guide HQ on 31st October 2-4pm.

9c. i Accepted quotation from Phillips Electricals to undertake all work on the Christmas lights.

The Christmas parade will take place on Monday 27thNovember

Provisionally, subject to a public survey, a Santa’s grotto will take place on Saturday 2ndDecember. Venue to be confirmed.

9c. ii Carol Service to take place on Sunday 10th December at Siloam Chapel

10.Council adopted the Equality & Inclusivity policy written by the working group.

An updated “home page” was approved for the website.

12.The Local Democracy & Boundary Commission for Wales has commenced an 8 week consultation period (ending on 19thNovember) on Town & Community Council boundaries.

24thAugust 2023

Present:- SB (Clerk) NF (Chair), JR, PW, JE, BJ, DM, SJ, JF, SG, TF, MI, BR, TL, LA, RB, HC, MJ & City Cllr L Gibbard

Prior to the meeting Tyrone Lewis was co-opted as Community Councillor

1. Apologies: City Cllrs J & M Jones

2. Declarations of Personal & Prejudicial Interest – None

3. Accepted minutes of meeting dated 26thJuly 2023

Matters arising – None

6a.Local Democracy & Boundaries Commission will meet Town & Community Council representatives on 25thSeptember. The agenda item is Town & Community Council review and Council size policy.

6b. MJ reported that the National Coal Authority are continuing to progress with works to investigate and repair the sinkhole on Dunvant Road. These works are expected to last for up to 18 months.

LG Community Speedwatch has been suspended until the new national statutory 20mph zones have been implemented.

City Council Chief Executive due to visit every Council ward. Date to be confirmed.

6f. PRoW committee to progress discussions with Bishopston Community Council representative on initiatives to promote the local PRoW.

7. Planning, KCC to submit a response to City Council Planning department on the proposed footpath linking the new St Modwen development with Dunvant Road.

8. Payments Approved

Clerk’s expenses £29.00

Toner cartridge£66.40

Band Night £350.00

Fun Day expenses: –

Scout & Guide HQ hire£75.00

Mugs donated to Scout hut£32.40

Food for Fun Day£148.85

Bouncy Castle Hire£185.00

Less refreshment income-£41.40

Net cost of Fun Day was£399.85 (Budget £400.00)

9. Events

a) Fun Day – Tuesday 15thAugust – Attendance was unprecedented with an estimated 90 children in attendance.

b) Band night – Saturday 26thAugust – Booked. KCC to be responsible for litter picking and cleanliness of the precinct.

c) Dunvant Park – Friday Fun Days –1st CC LG requested volunteers from KCC to help.

d) KCC 40thanniversary event – Agreed to promote this milestone at Band Night, Pop Up publicity event and via the website.

10. The working group to explore all aspects of Equality and Inclusivity are due to meet week commencing 28thAugust

13d. conduct a poll to gauge interest for attending a Father Christmas grotto

13c. Seed Swop to be added to the next agenda

26th July 2023

Present:- SB (Clerk) NF (Chair), JR, PW, JE, BJ, DM, SJ, JF, SG, TF, MI, BR, HC, MJ & City Cllr L Gibbard

Plus one member of the public.

Prior to the meeting Maria Jefferies was appointed as the second Youth Representative for Killay Community Council.

1. Apologies: LA, RB, City Cllrs J & M Jones

2. Declarations of Personal & Prejudicial Interest – None

3. Accepted minutes of meeting dated 28th June 2023

4. Matters arising – Cllr Fletcher presented quotations from Blachere Illuminations for the supply, maintenance and storage of Christmas lights. The quotations were significantly in excess of the current service provider costings. Agreed to retain current supplier subject to accepting 2023 quotation.

5. Correspondence received – nothing of note.

6b. City Councillors

Cllr M Jones reported that the National Coal Board are progressing with works to investigate and repair the sinkhole on Dunvant Road. These works are expected to last for up to 18 months.

Cllr L Gibbard announced various events due to take place in Dunvant social centre and Killay library. Full details will be available from the clerk.

Community Speedwatch had carried out recordings on Gower Road.

The CWOT (Council Ward Operative Team) had cleared weeds in the Killay area and will take on further works as required.

City Council Chief Executive due to visit every Council ward. Date to be confirmed.

6f. Public Rights of Way (PRoW)

PRoW footpath KI114 (north of Hendrefoilan Road) is extremely overgrown with bracken and KI105 (Woodcote to Gower Road). CC LG explained that this was due to a bracken clearance contract having expired.

PRoW to liaise with Chris Dale and Phillip Mellor.

8b. Payments Approved

Clerk’s expenses £36.25

9. Events

a) Killay in Bloom front garden competition. No entries up to 26th Closing date 30th July.

b) Fun Day – Tuesday 15th August – All actions allocated to relevant Councillors.

c) Band night – Saturday 26th August – booked.

d) Dunvant Park – Friday Fun Days – Due 4th & 18th August and 1st

CC LG requested volunteers from KCC to help at the event.

e) KCC 40th anniversary event – No ideas proposed.

10. Equality & Inclusivity

Council discussed in depth various ideas, compliance with legislation, possible policies and/or action plans.

It was agreed to set up a working group to explore all aspects of Equality and Inclusivity and consider actions required by Killay Community Council.

28th June 2023

Present:- SB (Clerk), NF (Chair), JR, PW, JE, BJ, DM, LA, SJ, JF, SG, TF, RB, HC, City Cllrs J & M Jones

Plus one member of the public.

1. Apologies: MI, BR, City Cllr L Gibbard

2. Declarations of Personal & Prejudicial Interest – None

3. Accepted minutes of AGM dated 24th May 2023

Matters arising – BJ & LA were appointed to the Social media and Planning sub-committee respectively.

4. Accepted minutes of main monthly meeting dated 24th May 2023

4a. Matters arising – The 20mph blanket speed restriction of all urban roads in Wales to be introduced in September 2023, with the exception, in Killay, only of Gower Road.

5. Correspondence & information

Wales on-line and Evening Post article “Killay-safest community in Wales”

UK Parliamentary boundaries review. Killay will be moved from Swansea West to Gower constituency at next General Election due in 2024.


6a. Cllr Fletcher attended Town & Community Council forum on 21st June. Two presentations on Replacement Local Development Plan and Tackling Poverty & Enabling Communities.

6b. City Councillors

Dunvant RFC application for change in licensing conditions and opening to general public was presented to CCS Licensing Committee. Decision TBC.

Hendrefoilan House. To investigate the nature of the on-going building works.

Cleansing Ward Operating Team (CWOT) to do clean up work in Killay precinct and Olchfa lane.

Olchfa school have appointed Julian Kennedy as new headteacher w.e.f. September 2023.

Dunvant Road (near Hendrefoilan school) could be closed for up to 18 months to allow National Coal Board to conduct full surveys and complete repairs to the sink hole/air shaft.

All students have left the Hendrefoilan student village. St Modwens are responsible for securing the site.

6f. Public Rights of Way (PRoW)

CCS have agreed to pursue legal action to open up PRoW footpath KI114

8b. Payments Approved

HMRC £367.00

Clerks expenses £29.40

Stationery £15.98

Gardening £15.00

Internal audit fee £150

Internal auditor HMRC fee £70

8c. Council accepted the 2022/23 auditors report

9. Events

Agreed that Killay in Bloom Front Garden competition would be restricted to residents who pay a precept to Killay Community Council (the former Killay North & Killay South wards)

10a. The Safeguarding policywas adopted by full Council.

24th May 2023 – AGM

Present:- SB (Clerk) NF, JR, PW, SJ, JF, MI, BR, SG, TF, ES & RB

City Cllr L Gibbard.

1. Apologies: JE, BJ, DM, LA, City Cllr J Jones

Elections / Appointments

2. Chairman – Nigel Fletcher

3. Vice Chairman – Jim Robinson

4. Responsible Financial Officer – Susan Bagley (Clerk)

5. Internal auditor – Ron Dolbear

6. Financial Committee – Clerk, NF,JR, SJ & JF

7a. Planning Committee – JF, SG, MI + one other to be confirmed

7b. Social Media & Marketing – TF, MI, JR, BR + one other to be confirmed

7c. Gardening – SJ, JE, PW & DM

7d. Public Rights of Way – RB, SG, BR + one other to be confirmed

8. Delegates to Town & Community Council Forum not required

Youth Representative – Harry Coles

11. Acceptance of 2022/23 Annual report

24th May 2023

Present:- SB (Clerk) NF (Chair), JR, PW, SJ, JF, MI, BR, SG, TF & RB

City Cllrs L Gibbard & M.Jones

1. Apologies: JE, BJ, DM, LA, City Cllr J Jones (ES resignrd)

2. Declarations of personal &/or prejudicial interest: None

4. Matters arising from April minutes

– Native wildflowers purchased and planted on grassed area outside St Hilary’s church.

8b. Payments approved:

£28.80 Clerks expenses (May)

£20.51 Plant food

£38.47 Begonias for precinct flower beds

£ 5.50 Coronation lunch

£99.15 Celtic wildflowers

9. Residents survey

– To conduct a survey to check viability of reinstating Santas Grotto

– Check with CCS Parks department if 2024 floral displays can include more pollinator plants

– Consider jointly running a summer fete/BBQ in Dunvant Park if Friends of Dunvant Park initiate such event

– Promote Lend & Tend website for the sharing of gardens

– Organise a front garden competition

– Consider Open Gardens event in 2024 (consult with Pennard)

– Consider extending the planting of bluebells off Ffordd Taliesin.

– Wine tasting event

10b. Future events:

– Summer children’s Fun Day at Killay Scout hut on Tuesday 15th August

– Guilty Pleasure booked for Saturday 26th August

– Promote KCC as celebrating 40 years since formation in 1983

26th April 2023

Present:- SB (Clerk) NF (Chair), JR, JE, SJ, JF, MI, PW, BJ, DM, SG, RB, LA & TF

City Cllrs L Gibbard & J Jones.

1. Apologies: BR, ES, City Cllr M Jones

2. Declarations of personal &/or prejudicial interest:

Cllr M Idris declared an interest in Planning Application 2023/0880

6a. City Councillors’ report (JJ & LG):

Defibrillator training had taken place at Hendrefoilan school on 25th April.

Lloyds pharmacy – replacement canopy – Landlord to inform Livingston & Co.

BT telephone box – BT to repair and clean

Swansea Council PATCH team have completed works on several roads in Killay.

New police Sergeant Amy Joseph and Constable Jeremy O’Callaghan have started work in the area.

Theft of bicycle from Dunvant Bikeability

6e. Gardening

Agreed to spend up to £100 on perennial wildflowers

8b. Payments approved:

£15.59 Zoom meeting subscription (1 month)

£128.29 Zoom meeting annual subscription

£27.80 Clerk’s expenses

£350.00 Guilty Pleasure band (8th May)

22nd March 2023

Present:- SB (Clerk) NF (Chair), JR, JE, SJ, JF, MI, BR, SG PW, BJ, DM, TF, LA, ES & RB

City Cllr L Gibbard.

Tom Fitton was co-opted as Councillor for Killay North, making a full complement of 15 Community Councillors. First time since September 2018.

1. Apologies:, City Cllrs J Jones & M Jones

2. Declarations of personal &/or prejudicial interest:


3. Matters arising from February meeting

4. City Councillors report (MJ & LG):

– Local Development Plan – updated plan available to view in Civic centre

– Monitoring trees being removed in the St Modwen – Student Village development

– Defibrillator training 25th April at Hendrefoilan school

– Litter bin replaced and relocated from Stephenson Road to Gower Road

– New full-time PCSO appointed Nicole Davies.

5. Finances.

Payments approved:

£150.00 Nigel Fletcher 2022/23 Councillor remuneration

£150.00 Jim Robinson 2022/23 Councillor remuneration

£150.00 Joanne Fitton 2022/23 Councillor remuneration

£150.00 Mary Idris 2022/23 Councillor remuneration

£39.37 Coronation lunch bunting & flags

£15.50 Coronation lunch sandwich platters

£26.16 Coronation lunch tickets

£14.39 Zoom meeting subscription

£25.40 Clerks expenses (March)

£346.20 HMRC – PAYE

£4.00 St Davids Day expenses

Proposed that the Financial Regulations are amended to increase the threshold when three quotes are required from £250 to £1,000 (in line with Standing Orders. This was in response to the 2021/22 annual accounts external audit.

6. Environmental / Biodiversity plan formal adopted by Council

22nd February 2023

Present:- SB (Clerk) NF (Chair), JR, JE, SJ, JF, MI, BR, SG, PW, BJ, DM, ES, & RB

City Cllr. M Jones

Prior to the formal meeting Linda Aubrey was co-opted as Councillor for Killay South ward.

1. Apologies: City Cllrs J Jones & L Gibbard

2. Declarations of personal &/or prejudicial interest:


4. Matters arising from January meeting

Councillor Robinson will take out Zoom subscription in April.

Councillor Robinson will move website to a new host provider.

6b. City Councillors report (MJ):

City Councillors have met Council officers to inspect and examine both highways for the PATCH team to visit, and areas for wildflower planting. Wild flowers will be planted on the Broadacre mini-roundabout and on Ffordd Taliesin.

6e. Gardening

Quote of £189 for CCS to water the flowerbeds in the precinct was not proposed.

7. Planning

The new veterinary practice (previously a gym) at Swan Court, Cygnet Close has submitted details of a planting scheme to comply with a Planning condition.

387A Gower Road. The Welsh Planning inspectorate upheld the decision by CCS Planning to refuse permission for a motor-cycle shed in the front garden.

8a. Payments approved:

£14.39 Zoom meeting subscription

£31.00 Clerks expenses (February)

£50.52 Councillor badges (x7)

8e. Electricity supply to the precinct

Alternative quotations are being sought by the Finance committee

8f. Wales Audit Office – External audit of 2021/22 accounts

The Finance committee will review its financial regulations and update as necessary in response to the audit comment that the Council had not sought alternative quotes for the Christmas lights since 2018.

10. King Charles III Coronation weekend events.

Council accepted proposals to organise a band night in Killay precinct on 6th May and a senior citizens lunch in Siloam chapel hall on 8th May.

12. Biodiversity Plan

Council accepted the Biodiversity plan

25th January 2023

Present:- SB (Clerk) NF (Chair), JR, JE, SJ, JF, MI, BR, SG & RB

City Cllr L Gibbard.

Due to illness and technical issues the meeting was held completely on-line.

1. Apologies: PW, BJ, DM, ES, City Cllrs J Jones & M Jones

2. Declarations of personal &/or prejudicial interest:


4. Matters arising from November meeting

  • City Cllr M.Jones to contact the Hopwood family reference damaged precinct bench.
  • Gibbard updated list of Swansea Spaces to be Killay Library, Dunvant Gospel Hall and Dunvant Social Centre.
  • KCC supplied Killay library with tea, coffee, cups etc costing £77

6(b) City Councillors report (LG):

Local Community Speedwatch group have the minimum number of members required, but are awaiting availability of the PCSO to commence speed surveys.

6(e) Gardening

Accepted quote from CCS of £4,204 (inc.VAT) to provide floral displays as per 2022.

8(b)The 2022/23 budget was accepted which includes the precept of £24,500

8(a) Payments approved:

£14.39 Zoom meeting subscription

£149.70 Website subscription (2020/21)

£56.92 Website subscription (2021/22)

£25.40 Clerks expenses (December)

£26.60 Clerks expenses (January)

£66.71 Toner cartridge

£434.10 HMRC