Short minutes from 2022

Each month is added above the last. Scroll down to find the earlier months.

Numbers refer to original agenda items.

23rd November 2022

Present:- SB (Clerk) NF (Chair), JR, JE, SJ, PW, BJ, JF, MI, , DM & BR

City Cllrs L Gibbard, M.Jones & J.Jones

1. Apologies: RB. ES left the meeting @ 7:15pm due to technical issues in hall.

2. Declarations of personal &/or prejudicial interest:


4. Matters arising from October meeting

  • City Cllr M Jones to contact the Hopwood family reference damaged precinct bench.
  • Favourite KaFei to submit retrospective planning application for exterior decking.
  • Dunvant school donation to be delayed until 2023/24 when the school have the funding available for the canopies.

6. Christmas events:

  • Christmas parade details for 28th November discussed and agreed.
  • Agreed to donate £100 to Salvation Army for playing on 28th
  • Carol service – 11th December discussed and agreed.
  • Carol service plate collection to be donated to Sketty Foodbank.
  • KCC to have promotion stand at Dunvant Afternoon Tea event on 11th December

7. Payments approved:

£35.00 – Father Christmas suit hire

£20.00 – Gift vouchers for Christmas elves

£ 3.35 – Carol service refreshments

£17.00 – Father Christmas gift.

£171.30 – Website subscription

£14.39 – Zoom monthly subscription

£31.60 – Clerks expenses

£58.39 – Christmas parade flyers

£37.30 – Carol service refreshments

£100.00 – Salvation Army donation

£20.00 – Internal accountant fee review

£270.06 – Clerk salary review – backpay

£300.00 – Christmas tree

£285.00 – KCC contribution to May 2022 election fees

£4,074.00 – City & County of Swansea – Floral arrangements

9. Defibrillator training. Next training session to be arranged by City Cllrs Jeff & Mary Jones.

10a. City Councillors reports

Discussion on Swansea Spaces.

KCC to offer financial assistance to Killay Library for tea/coffees.

11. Requests for donations.

Sketty resident requesting donation for Anthony Nolan charity – Refused

26th October 2022

Present:- SB (Clerk) NF (Chair), JR, JE, SJ, PW, BJ, JF, MI, RB, DM & BR City Cllrs L Gibbard & J Jones

1. Apologies: ES, City Cllr M Jones

2. Declarations of personal &/or prejudicial interest:


4a. Matters arising from September meeting

Agreed to hold defibrillator training in Siloam hall. Provisional date Wednesday 9th November.

8. Payments approved:

£14.39 JR – Zoom meeting

£29.00 SB – Clerks expenses

£299.00 – HMRC

9. Requests for donations.

£200 Bethany Middleton, Cila Ranger trip to International Jamboree in South Korea

£250 Dunvant Primary school – contribution towards playground canopies.


a) Agreed not to repeat the coffee morning that coincided with vaccinations at Killay Surgery

b) Confirmed arrangements for Christmas activities

c) Accepted quotation from Phillips Electricals of £4,678 for Christmas lights

d) Agreed to hold Carol service in Siloam chapel on Sunday 11th December

12. Agreed to adopt the Training Plan to comply with Welsh Government legislation

28th September 2022

Present:- SB (Clerk) NF (Chair), JR, JE, SJ, PW, BJ, JF, ES & MI

City Cllrs, J.Jones & M.Jones

1. Apologies: RB, DM & BR City Cllr L Gibbard

2. Declarations of personal &/or prejudicial interest:


7. Planning – Noted

Killay Health & Fitness Club – Change of use to veterinary Practice

Armine garage – pre-application to demolish outbuildings and replace with storage units.

8. Payments approved:

£14.39 JR – Zoom meeting

£25.60 SB – Clerks expenses

£92.24 JR – Annual website licence

9. Accept quotation from Life Support & Training for maintenance agreement on 3 defibrillators. £90 per unit/year with the costs to be equally split with City Cllrs J & M.Jones

11. To organise open door coffee morning(s) to attract senior citizens to coincide with flu vaccinations in Killay surgery- October 2022

24rd August 2022

Present:- SB (Clerk) NF (Chair), JR, JE, SJ, PW, BJ, JF, RB, ES, DM. BR & MI

City Cllrs L Gibbard, J.Jones & M.Jones

Before the meeting David Nicholas, of Life Support Training and Safety gave a talk on the maintenance of Defibrillators

1. Apologies: None

2. Declarations of personal &/or prejudicial interest:


7. Planning – Retrospective application for building at 387A Gower Road. KCC to recommend to City Council planning department that decision is made in compliance with current planning legislation.

8. Payments approved:

 £14.39 JR – Zoom meeting

    £29.70 SB – Clerks expenses

    £35.00 – repair to defibrillator at Texaco garage

    £300.00 – August bank holiday – Band night

    £293.00 – Wales Audit Office – Audit fee for 2020/21 accounts

    £124.88 – SB – Fun Day – food

    £4.73 – SJ – Fun day – food

    £13.65 – NF – Fun Day – food

    £75.00 – Scouts – Fun Day room hire Total cost of Fun Day £218.26

9b. Updated Standing orders accepted (to take accounts of changes outlined in the Local Government & Elections (Wales) Act 2021

10. Events

10b. Guilty Pleasure to perform in Killay precinct on Saturday 27th August

10c. To organise open door coffee morning(s) to attract senior citizens to coincide with flu vaccinations in Killay surgery

13. Acceptance of annual Community Council report 2021/22

3rd August 2022 (July meeting)

Present:- SB (Clerk) NF (Chair), JR, JE, SJ, PW, BJ, JF, RB

1. Apologies: ES, DM, BR, MI & City Councillors

2. Declarations of personal &/or prejudicial interest:


8. Payments approved:

    £24.00 JR – Scout hall hire – coffee morning for Ukraine refugees

    £14.39 JR – Zoom meeting

    £58.96 SB – Toner cartridge

    £18.96 JR – Multi-directional microphone for meetings

    £29.80 SB – Clerks expenses

9b. Updated Standing orders accepted (to take accounts of changes outlined in the Local Government & Elections (Wales) Act 2021

9c. Environmental / Biodiversity plan – JF, JR, BJ, PW, RB to draft plan.

11. Events

11a. Children’s Fun Day planned at Scout hut for Tuesday 23rd August 12pm-3pm

11b. Guilty Pleasure to perform in Killay precinct on Saturday 27th August

11c. To consider open door coffee morning(s) to attract senior citizens to coincide with flu vaccinations in Killay surgery

11d. Decided not to proceed with children’s Halloween event due to falling attendance in the years preceding Covid lockdowns.

12. Agreed in principal to organise event for local refugees, in conjunction with Swansea City of Sanctuary

13. JF nominated as Governor to Dunvant Primary school

29th June 2022

Present at start:- SB (Clerk) NF (Chair), JR, JE, SJ, PW, ES, BJ, MI, JF

City Cllr L Gibbard

Present from 7:40pm – BR, City Cllr M.Jones

1.Apologies: RB, DM & BR (joined at 7:40pm)

2. Declarations of personal &/or prejudicial interest:

SJ, MI (9) Connected to Siloam Chapel.

BR (10) Member of Friends of Gower Commons.

3 & 4. AGM and June meeting minutes accepted.

5. Matters arising: Siloam booked for 3 months.

RB unable to attend refugee meeting. Carried forward to July.

7(a) Chair: Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021 passed January 2021. Guidance notes received June 2022.

KCC need to do an Annual report, Training plans by November 2022 and a 3 year Biodiversity plan.

(e) Begonias planted. JF to investigate weedkiller options. Hand weeding, public engagement opportunity?

MJ and BR joined meeting @ 7:40pm

9. Payments approved:

    £300.00 Cash, Band night – Jubilee weekend

    £32.00 NF, Compost for flower beds

    £24.00 JR, Coffee morning for Ukraine refugees

    £14.39 JR, Zoom meeting

    £90.00 Siloam Room Rent (increase) – [SJ & MI declare interest]

10. Donations: BR explained email from Friends of Gower Commons

[declared an interest & temporarily left meeting.]

KCC agreed £100 for printing costs for education literature.

11. Spare funds of £260 from Jubilee celebrations being held by Dunvant RFC. Carried forward to Dfest musical event on 2nd JUly. Face painter and bouncy castle booked.

12. (a) Check for availability of library for Fun Day.

(b) Band night organised. No table top sale.

13. Scout & Guide Hall to be re-booked for 16th July for refugee coffee morning.

14. Greening of community spaces, defer to next meeting.

15. ES will be standing down as governor of Dunvant Primary in September. JF volunteered to replace as she has done some of the training.

25th May 2022

Present:- SB (Clerk) NF (Chair), JR, JE, SJ, DM, PW, ES , BJ, MI, RB

City Cllrs M.Jones & J.Jones & L.Gibbard

Bethany Rowe was co-opted as Councillor for Killay North.

AGM Cllr Nigel Fletcher was re-elected as Chair and Cllr Jim Robinson re-elected as Vice Chair

1. Apologies:-, Fitton

Members of the public – None

2. Declarations of personal &/or prejudicial interest – None

Matters arising:

Livingston’s are awaiting for a contractor to carry out hole repair.

Livingston’s contacted regarding repainting the railings on the two square flower beds in the precinct. Livingston’s to discuss at their next meeting.

The bollards in the precinct have been replaced.

No applications made by Killay residents for donations towards Jubilee street parties.

A second public liability insurance quote had been received quoting £718. Therefore the current insurance company have provided a competitive renewal premium.

8. Payments approved:

    £14.39            Monthly Zoom meeting

    £26.80            Clerks expenses for March

    £50.00            Ron Dolbear – PAYE administration

    £150.00          Ron Dolbear – internal audit        

    £474.79          Zurich insurance – public liability premium

    £35.90            Gardening – begonia tubers

10. Dunvant RFC / Killay Community Council Jubilee Party

Sunday 5th May – gate open 12 midday

Councillors volunteered to distribute advertising flyers door-to-door.

11. Review of resuming meeting in Siloam

Hall would be booked for June, July and August to hold hybrid meetings.

12. Postpone the July/August fun day.

13. Ukraine support scheme. RB to attend a training event on 23rd June

27th April 2022

Present:- S.Bagley (Clerk) N.Fletcher (Chairman), J.Robinson, J.Evans, S.John, D.Morse, P.Walsh, E.Sides , B.John, M.Idris, J.Fitton, R.Barrar

1. Apologies: City Cllrs M Jones & J Jones

Members of the public – None

2. Declarations of interest – None

3. Accepted minutes of meeting dated 23rd March 2022

4. Matters arising:

No reply from City Council on possibility of putting flower troughs on railings on entrance to Hendrefoilan student village.

The next Wales Tree Giveaway will be in September 2022

Benches in precinct re-painted on 20th April 2022

Livingston chairman asked to re-paint rusty flower bed railing in green hammerite.

Livingston are aware of work required to refill a large hole in the car park. There are delays due to waiting for materials.

The bollards in the precinct will be replaced with part funding by City Council and Livingstons.

8. Payments approved:

    £14.39          Monthly Zoom meeting

    £24.40          Clerks expenses for March

    £17.98          Paint and sandpaper for precinct benches.

11. Review of resuming meeting in Siloam chapel hall

Due to increasing Covid variant case numbers it was agreed to continue meeting via Zoom.

An outdoor social meeting will be organised to allow Councillors the opportunity to meet informally.

12. Community Council elections

No elections have been called for either ward. The inference is that the number of nominations for candidates in each ward is equal to or less than the number of vacancies, being 9 in Killay North and 6 in Killay South.

All Councillors re-standing to submit a declaration of election expenditure.

Councillors asked to complete a voluntary survey which provides Welsh Government with statistics of the profile and demographics of people standing for election.

14. Ukraine support scheme. RB gave a brief presentation on a scheme whereby local communities can support the settlement of Ukraine refugees. RB will attend a training event and feedback more information in due course.

15. Public Liability insurance. Quotes are being obtained.

23rd March 2022

Present:- S.Bagley (Clerk) N.Fletcher (Chairman), J.Robinson, J.Evans, S.John, D.Morse, P.Walsh, E.Sides , B.John, M.Idris, J.Fitton

1) Apologies:- R.Barrar, City Cllrs M.Jones & J.Jones

Members of the public – None

2) Declarations of personal &/or prejudicial interest – None

3) Accepted minutes of meeting dated 23rd February 2022

4) Matters arising from meeting of 23rd February:

Gardening – To check with Swansea Council if flower troughs can be put on railings to Ffordd Yr Olchfa (student village) (NF/clerk)

Gardening – To check if wildflowers can be planted on library land (JE)

Gardening – Steel washers to be replaced with stainless steel washers on precinct flower bed railings.

6e) Benches in Killay precinct to be re-painted

6e) To check condition of the railings on the square planters in Killay precinct

8) Payments approved:

    £14.39          Monthly Zoom meeting

    £  7.39          Stainless steel washers for precinct railings

    £25.40          Clerks expenses for March

    £94.40          Clerks salary back pay to 1st April 2021

    £322.80        Quarterly payment to HMRC for clerks’ income tax.

10b) Queens Platinum Jubilee – 2nd – 5th June 2022

The Council have joined with Dunvant RFC to organise a Jubilee Tea Party on Sunday 5th June 2022.

The event is planned to attract a wide age group and community groups in the area will be invited to participate.

To date a ukulele band and musical duo act have been booked.

Other ideas include; bouncy castle, ice cream van, mobile bar, burger stand, classic car show, bake off and childrens’ jubilee crown competition

The event will be advertised and local businesses will be encouraged to participate. A Spacehive Crowdfunding page has been set up with a target of £2,000, which could be matched up to 50% by Swansea City Council.

11) Review of resuming meeting in Siloam chapel hall

Due to increasing Covid variant case numbers it was agreed to continue meeting via Zoom.

An outdoor social meeting would be organised to allow Councillors the opportunity to meet informally.

23rd February 2022

Present:- Sue Bagley (Clerk) Nigel Fletcher (Chair), Jim Robinson, Jan Evans, Sue John, Dawn Morse, Peta Walsh, Edmund Sides, Rhiannon Barrar, Bill John, Mary Idris, Joanne Fitton

Members of the public: None

1) Apologies: CCS Cllrs Mary Jones & Jeff Jones

2) Declarations of interest: None

3) Accepted minutes of meeting dated 26th January 2022

6e) Steel washers to be replaced with stainless steel washers on precinct flower bed railings.

6f) Cllr Barrar to monitor footpath KI114 north of Hendrefoilan Road for obstructions and liaise with Countryside Access team in Swansea Council

8) Payments approved:

    £14.39 Monthly Zoom meeting

    £ 4.80              N.Fletcher-bolts for railings

    £22.80             Clerks expenses for February

    £150.00           N.Fletcher-annual councillors remuneration

    £150.00           J.Robinson – annual councillors remuneration

    £150.00           M.Idris – annual councillors remuneration

    £150.00           J.Fitton – annual councillors remuneration

    £112.50           L.Orchard – annual councillors remuneration

9) Requests for donations (deferred from November 2021)

            £400.00           Wales Air Ambulance

            £400.00           Tenovus

            Max £25.00     Upper Killay WI for Easter Shop window competition

10) Publication of draft minutes on website:

Welsh Government guidance stipulate that due to legislation changing allowing for remote access meetings, within 7 days of the meeting the Community Council must publish brief notes including;

  • Names of members attending and apologies for absence
  • Declarations of interest
  • Any decisions taken at the meeting, including outcomes of any votes

This guidance does not replace the requirements to publish electronically minutes of meetings.

11) Publication of Councillor names and addresses on the website.

Section 55 of the Local Government (Democracy) (Wales) Act 2013 states that on the website the Council must publish how it can be contacted via Telephone number, Postal address and an email address. These can be the contact details of the Clerk.

In addition, the council must publish electronically information about each of its members, including a list of the council’s members, each member’s name, information about how they may be contacted, party affiliation (if any) and any office held or committee they belong to within the Council. If the community concerned is divided into community wards, the ward each member represents must be shown.

It was agreed that the postal addresses and telephone numbers for all Councillors (with the exception of the Chairman) be removed from the website.

All Councillors can be contacted via the clerk.

Further clarification was obtained confirming that there is no requirement for each councillor to complete a full Register of Interest form each year and there is no requirement for this information to be published on the website.

Councillors only need to declare a personal and/or prejudicial interest at each meeting as applicable.

It was agreed that in addition to the minimum statutory information required, the date when each councillor joined the Community Council would be included.

12) Queens Platinum Jubilee – 2nd – 5th June 2022

The Council will arrange for a band to play in Killay precinct on Friday 3rd June. Cost £300

The Council agreed to book the band for Saturday 27th August.

26th January 2022

Present: SB(Clerk), NF(Chair), JR, JE, SJ, DM, JF, PW, ES, RB, BJ, MI

Others: MJ, JJ (city cllrs)   Members of the public: None

1) Apologies: None

Note: Resignation of Councillor Lowrie Orchard was accepted

2) Declarations of interest: None

3) Accepted minutes of meeting dated 24th November 2021

7) Planning: Contact Swansea Council Planning department reference 2022/0068/TPO to lop 10 trees at 12 Ffordd Taliesin

8a) Payments made since last meeting:

Sarah Leonard £20, JR £8 (Christmas Lights)

NF £13.52 (treasure hunt prizes)

Good Energy £12.70 (Direct Debit)

JR £14.39 (Zoom)

8b) Approved Clerks expenses for December 2021 and January 2022:

£22.40 plus £52.90 toner cartridge

8c) Approved budget (£22,500) and precept for 2022/23 (£10.49 – Band D)