Welcome to Killay Community Council
Community councils are the grassroots level of governance in Wales and their purpose is to improve the quality of life and environment for local people in their area. Community councils are accountable to local people and have a duty to represent the interests of the different parts of the community equally.

Killay Community Council (KCC) covers the old city wards of Killay North and Killay South and consists of 15 Councillors, 9 representing Killay North and 6 representing Killay South. Two youth representatives are also appointed to inform the work of the Community Council. The Council Clerk is the only paid employee, with all other posts entirely voluntary. KCC does not own any buildings or provide public services at this time. The Community Council Precept (part of the Council Tax charged to each home), which is set annually by KCC, is the principal income of the Community Council and is currently £22,500 for the financial year 2024/25, which equates to £10.35 per year for a band D property – one of the lowest precepts in Swansea.

The Council meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month – excluding December- in the Siloam Chapel Hall and meetings are open to the public. The Council has a Facebook page which shares community information and highlights forthcoming meetings and events. Information is also posted on our noticeboard in the Killay shopping precinct.
Elections for Councillors are held every five years and casual vacancies that arise during this period may be filled by a process of Co-option unless an election is called for by a representative number of Ward residents. Elected Councillors give freely of their time and work enthusiastically and extremely hard for the benefit of the community. There are currently three City Councillors covering the combined Ward of Dunvant and Killay. Although they do not have any voting rights on the community council (unless they jointly hold a Community Council position) they have great input into the community and are automatically invited to each council meeting. Community councillors work closely with elected City Councillors and together they endeavour to maintain the unique balance and character of Killay, whilst protecting the environment and ambience of what is still considered ‘the village’.

Community Council Activities:
Every community council is different – they vary in size, budget and their responsibilities. This section explains some of the roles and activities undertaken by Killay Community Council.
Community Events: The Community Council runs a number of community events throughout the year including the Christmas lights, Carol service, Christmas tree and Father Christmas procession which are eagerly anticipated by local children. The Council also organises and supports a variety of ventures to involve the whole community, including a children’s summer fun day, events for older adults and live music acts in the Precinct.

Environment: The Community Council finance the floral displays throughout the area in addition to maintaining the shopping precinct flower beds. Entry in the annual City Council-run Swansea in Bloom competition has resulted in four wins over the years, with two gold awards and two silver awards, just reward for the efforts put in. The colourful summer displays throughout Killay are testament to their dedication and ambition. The Community Council also has a Biodiversity Policy and in the past year has planted wildflowers on the bank outside St Hilary’s Church.
Councillors monitor local pathways and rights-of way, highway matters, parking and littering, reporting any issues to the City Council for rectification, and regularly review all Planning applications within the area, making representations where appropriate.
Community: The Council funds small community projects – the local school, together with local charities, are supported both practically and financially where possible. The community council also nominates a representative to stand as a governor at Hendrefoilan and Dunvant primary schools.